/ [Offline-018][NR16] UE cap MR-DC Power Class (Huawei)
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Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class.docx
2020/08/18 3:02
54 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V1_ZTE.docx
2020/08/18 8:36
53,1 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V2_Ericsson.docx
2020/08/18 10:35
55,5 KB
Draft of [AT111-e][016][NR16] UE cap TRS bandwidth (Nokia)_v5_Apple.docx
2020/08/18 17:53
50,5 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V3_Apple.docx
2020/08/18 17:53
55,9 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V4_HW.docx
2020/08/19 2:47
55,2 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V5_MTK.docx
2020/08/19 4:31
55,6 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V6_CATT.docx
2020/08/19 5:15
71,4 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V7_QC.docx
2020/08/19 5:43
57,3 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V8_CMCC.docx
2020/08/19 9:49
57,8 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V9_Nokia.docx
2020/08/19 10:26
57,9 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_Phase I summary.docx
2020/08/19 12:06
58,2 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V10_Intel.docx
2020/08/19 13:38
58,3 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_Phase II.docx
2020/08/20 1:52
53,5 KB
Draft summary of offline 018 UE cap MR-DC Power Class_V11_Samsung.docx
2020/08/20 2:26
58 KB
15 items.